Easy Banana Pastillas Recipe
1 kg ripe banana (saba)
butter or margarine
300 g sugar
Start by slicing ripe saba bananas crosswise, 3 cm thick.
In a cooking pot, place sliced bananas and let it boil.
Grind the boiled sliced bananas until it is mashed.
Add 1/2 cup water for every 2 cups banana and mix thoroughly.
In a pan, combine the sugar and the banana mixture.
Let simmer under low fire.
Stir constantly until a clear mixture is obtained with the desired consistency.
Transfer to a mixing board lined with waxed paper.
Flatten and even up the mixture with rolling pin until 1 cm thick.
Add the butter and sprinkle with sugar.
Slice into 4 cm x 1 cm pieces.
Let it cool then wrap in candy wrapper. Serve and enjoy!
IMAGE: spot.ph
SOURCE: angsaraprecipes.com/easy-banana-pastillas-recipe/