¾ cup tinapa flakes
14 ounces monggo
1 Knorr Shrimp Cube
1½ cups ampalaya leaves
2 medium tomato, cubed
1 medium onion, chopped
8 pieces Thai chili
4 cloves garlic, crushed
8 to 10 cups water
3 tablespoons fish sauce (patis)
¼ teaspoons ground black pepper
3 tablespoons cooking oil
How To Cook Spicy Monggo with Tinapa:
Heat oil in a pot.
Saute garlic, onion, and tomato until it becomes soft.
Add tinapa flakes. Stir. Cook for 1 minute.
Add Thai chili and monggo. Cook for 2 minutes.
Pour water. Let boil.
Add Knorr Shrimp Cube. Cover and cook in medium heat until monggo becomes soft. Note: add water if needed.
Put the ampalaya leaves into the pot and then add fish sauce and ground black pepper. Stir. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes more.
Transfer to a serving bowl. Serve with rice.
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Recipe Source: panlasangpinoy.com